FAQ Minnymees Munchkin Cats

Powder Puff, knowing how cute she is
Q: How long have you been breeding for?
A: We have been a registered breeder since 1986.
Q: Do you have any Munchkin Kittens currently available for adoption?
A: If you check our page Munchkin Kittens For Sale you will see what Munchkin Kittens we currently have available for sale.
Or you can email us to find out when we will be have a Munchkin Kitten available.
Q: How do I adopt one of your companions?
A: Just contact me and I can help organise everything.
Q: Do you provide regular photos of our Munchkin Kitten once we have purchased one?
A: We send the first pictures around 3-4 weeks when they start getting a personality.
Then final photos at 6 weeks. I appreciate some people would like photos more often, but
sadly it is not practical as our main concern is to look after the Kittens and not to spend hours
trying to get that perfect photo.
Q: Do I need to pay a deposit?
A: Yes, once you decide on your new family member, I require a
deposit so as to hold your Kitten for you. Of course the deposit is
deducted from the cost of your Kitten. All deposits are firm.
Q: I have changed my mind & now don’t wish to buy my Kitten.
A: Unfortunately I do not refund deposits, the deposit is so as to
secure your kitten, once that happens; we no longer offer your
Munchkin Kitten for sale and therefore turn other people way.
I can hold the deposit and place it on another adoption.
Q:I Live interstate, what can I do.
A: No Problem, I have organised transport all over Australia.
including Overseas, I can organise everything, of course at
buyers expense.
Q: I am uncertain about certain issues, what should I do?
A: Any queries or questions please contact me, I will
do my utmost to help you.
Q: Can I buy my Munchkin Kitten entire, (not de-sexed).
A: All our Munchkin Kittens are De-sexed, unless we pre-organise
to sell them to another breeder.
Q: Can we make an agreement verbally?
A: No, everything we agree too must be in writing.
Q: Can we visit you and choose our Munchkin Kitten?
A: No, due to Bio-Security concerns we do not allow any visits,
under any circumstances. Over the years, the majority of people
we have helped to find a new Kitten have never found that to be an issue.
Q: But everybody says I should come out and choose my own Kitten!
A: This has only started over the past few years with the advent of on-line scams
and that some so-called experts have said you should go and choose your own Kitten.
Who knows your Kitten better than the breeder, that is why we help choose the Kitten
that we think will suit you best. Secondly Bio-security is a major concern for us, just
Google the recent health outbreaks and how easy they are to spread, not even considering
the possibility that when people visit other breeders or the RSPCA that they can spread
Fleas, Ticks or worms.
A: You can contact ANCATS and they can confirm that I am a registered breeder.
If you have any other questions about FAQ Minnymees Munchkin Cats please contact us.
Please visit our Munchkin Kitten Photos page to see photos of some of the beautiful Munchkin Kittens and Cats,
that we have bred over the years as a registered Munchkin Kitten & Cat Breeder.
Munchkin Cats in Australia: Minnymees Munchkins home of the beautiful Munchkin Cat.